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#OFMElectionWatch: Voting while fasting for Ramadan

───   PULANE CHOANE 18:34 Wed, 08 May 2019

#OFMElectionWatch: Voting while fasting for Ramadan  | News Article

While many stand in long queues to cast their votes, Muslims across the world take to their mosques at various intervals during their day for prayers and fasting as they celebrate Ramadan.


Ramadan is the holy month of fasting, spiritual reflection, and prayer for Muslims and is celebrated every year during the ninth month on the Islamic calendar. This month of Ramadan began just two days ago. In South Africa, it coincided with the start of the two-day period for special voters who, owing to illness, disability, religious or work-related reasons, were allowed to vote prior to the general elections. OFM News journalist, Pulane Choane, reports that she spoke to one man who requested not to be named on whether or not he as a Muslim was in any way affected by the elections.

Speaking from a mosque in Kimberley's inner city centre, the elderly man told OFM News that contrary to popular belief, Muslims are by religion allowed to vote. He explained that he was one of those voters who applied to be on the special voter's list as he had thought that if he had waited to vote today, he would have to stand in long queues, which would compromise his time to some extent and possibly even his health, as those fasting should not stand for long periods of time. He added, however, that to his surprise, the queues moved relatively quickly and it was an in-and-out process for him. Sharing his observations of how the voting went today, he also added that he believes that those Muslims who took to the polls today didn't have too many hassles either, as from the voting stations he observed, queues again today were not too long.

He further added that those voting during this time should consider their times carefully, bearing in mind all the factors he earlier mentioned. Meanwhile, the IEC has also made provision for Muslims working for the commission by providing booths where these electoral staff and polling agents will also be allowed to pray at each polling station and meet their religious obligations.

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