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Yellow Door

Sibusiso Vilane through the keyhole

───   06:00 Fri, 05 Apr 2013

Sibusiso Vilane is the first black African to climb the world's highest peak twice and by two different routes. He is also the first black person to complete the Three Poles Challenge – North Pole, South Pole and Everest.

Best childhood memory?
Not an easy one for me as my childhood was very desperate. Perhaps it was finding myself in a classroom for the first time, aged 10 years!

The proudest moment of your life?
Standing on the summit of Mount Everest in 2003 and meeting Nelson Mandela the same year.

Name one vice.
I don’t ask for help! I just want to make everything to work by myself, but life is about partnerships.

What scares you?
Falling asleep while driving on the highway.

What makes you laugh?
Anything worth a laugh!

Your favourite music?
My own. I sing by whistling a lyric-less song. I listen to anything I want to; it all depends on what mood I am in.

Dogs or cats?
Neither. I don’t have any in my house because my wife has a phobia for both - ha, ha, ha, it's true!

What is the most valuable thing mountaineering has taught you?
Respect nature. Never take any challenge for granted.

Death row meal?
Not sure about this - an adventurer eats anything important for survival.

Favourite country, apart from SA.
If not SA then none! I have travelled a bit but have not found another country where I would live other than RSA.

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