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IEC NC expects 377 000 voters to turn up

───   PULANE CHOANE 08:37 Wed, 08 May 2019

IEC NC expects 377 000 voters to turn up | News Article
Photo: Pulane Choane

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) of South Africa in the Northern Cape says it is expecting 65 to 70% of the 580 000 people registered to vote today to take to various polls around the province during the course of today's elections.

According to the Commission in the province's Elkin Topkin, this translates to about 377 000 to 406 000 registered voters but he hopes more people will turn up at the voting stations.

OFM News' Pulane Choane, reporting from the IEC's nerve centre in Kimberley, reports this comes after yesterday's and Monday's special votes, where 67% of the 71 000 residents that were registered for special votes participated.

Topkin says the general trend with the special votes which took place earlier this week, as well as with today's general election, is that 65% to 70% of registered voters will turn up to actually vote. At the moment, however, things in the province remain fairly calm and the IEC says its centres have opened on time and have no reported incidents thus far.

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