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OFM offers ‘real good life’ to listeners

───   11:18 Fri, 10 Sep 2021

OFM offers ‘real good life’ to listeners | News Article

Could there be any truth to the article published by The Economist in May 2021, titled “What history tells you about post-pandemic booms”, which states, “…people spend more, take more risks – and demand more of politicians”?

The article speaks of a ‘boom’, which throughout history has been seen to manifest in this way following post-traumatic events. While uncertainty remains in South Africa, it is tricky preparing for a post-Covid-19 future. OFM’s approach to this anticipated economic ‘boom’ of sorts is endorsed through its continued “Living the Real Good Life” brand positioning.

Living the Real Good Life talks to escaping the pressures of everyday life by focusing on what matters most to OFM’s audience in Central South Africa… a place where the freedom to enjoy a more balanced life is not only possible, but is lived through music, engagement, lifestyle, and a strong sense of community.

In 2021, this positioning was driven through OFM’s 35th birthday year, which the brand leveraged to generate good, wholesome radio experiences while creating steadfast product offerings that supported local business.

Since March, the brand has committed to providing positive yet disruptive on-air experiences through its birthday lead campaigns, which were created to address two objectives:

  • building brand love and audience; and
  • creating revenue.

March’s Spot the Yellow Fleet campaign not only reinforced the new look and feel of the OFM brand but encouraged audiences to engage by taking pictures with the newly branded OFM fleet. These vehicles were placed around the region at outside broadcasts, lifestyle events, and activations to stimulate local economies and build brand love.

80s April was a daily on-air celebration of music, which performed alongside a product offering generated from the excitement on-air. It was a theme that was heard on radio and taken to market through OFM’s Pop-Up Radio offering.

May’s Agri Focus Week, which spoke to one in three of the 26 000 farmers living in the OFM footprint, offered a focused and dedicated platform for all who are proudly represented inside the agri value chain.

In June, OFM’s Groot Vet Kombers Proe-jek inspired audiences across the region to raise R450 000 for Round Table Southern Africa’s Winter Knights Campaign. OFM took to the region with live broadcasts, twice a week, to challenge listeners to support a wide range of charities by purchasing a vetkoek for at least R35. The highest price paid for a vetkoek for charity was R10 000. This, and the many contributions from OFM’s audience, showcased the caring and real values contained within the Living the Real Good Life brand positioning.

However, the moment of truth presented itself in July when OFM celebrated its official 35th birthday through a brand-building exercise called the OFM Secret Song. This was a month-long campaign that celebrated music, engaged audiences through curiosity, and uplifted a community with a grand prize of R35 000.

These strategically placed exercises and considered touchpoints are used to build the OFM audience and provide real and engaging solutions to stakeholders; this, at a time when they need local support and investment the most.

In this shared spirit of Central South Africa, OFM rallies its audience to lead a really good life, made up of many and often smaller moments of pure fun, real connection, contribution to others, and moments of meaning.

OFM exists to connect and amplify Central South African’s desire to live their best quality of life in every moment, wherever they are. The brand is real, uplifting, proud, and caring to all who listen to, and invest in, OFM. This is how OFM has built the trust to become the Sound of Central South Africa over the past 35 years.

Tim Thabethe

OFM Programme Manager


For more info, please contact Lindiwe Mtwentula on 051 5050 900, 082 416 1665, or lindiwe@ofm.co.za.

OFM bied ‘real good life’ aan luisteraars

Steek daar waarheid in die nuusberig wat The Economist in Mei 2021 gepubliseer het, getiteld “What history tells you about post-pandemic booms”, wat lui: "... mense bestee meer, neem meer risiko's en eis meer van politici"?

Die berig praat van 'n 'oplewing', wat deur die geskiedenis heen na post-traumatiese gebeure plaasgevind het. Alhoewel onsekerheid in Suid-Afrika bestaan, is dit moeilik om voor te berei vir 'n post-Covid-19-toekoms. OFM se benadering tot hierdie soort ekonomiese 'oplewing' word onderskryf deur die voortgesette posisionering van 'Living the Real Good Life'.

‘Living the Real Good Life’ verwys na die ontsnap van die druk van die alledaagse lewe deur te fokus op wat die belangrikste is vir OFM se gehoor in Sentraal Suid-Afrika... 'n plek waar die vryheid om 'n meer gebalanseerde lewe te geniet nie net moontlik is nie, maar ook uitgeleef word deur musiek, betrokkenheid, leefstyl en 'n sterk gemeenskapsgevoel.

In 2021 is dié posisionering gedryf deur OFM se 35ste verjaardagsjaar, wat die handelsmerk gebruik het om goeie, gesonde radio-ervarings te genereer, terwyl dit vaste produkaanbiedinge geskep het wat plaaslike besighede ondersteun.

Sedert Maart was die handelsmerk daartoe verbind om positiewe, maar ‘ontwrigtende’ ervarings op die lug aan te bied deur middel van veldtogte vir OFM se verjaardag, wat ontwerp is om twee doelwitte te bereik:
• die bou van liefde vir die handelsmerk en die gehoor; en
• om inkomste te skep.

Maart se ‘Spot the Yellow Fleet’-veldtog het nie net die nuwe voorkoms en gevoel van die OFM-handelsmerk versterk nie, maar het die gehoor aangemoedig om deel te neem deur foto's te neem saam met die nuwe OFM-vloot. Hierdie voertuie is in die streek geplaas tydens buite uitsendings, leefstylgebeurtenisse en aktiverings om plaaslike ekonomieë te stimuleer en liefde vir die handelsmerk te bou.

‘80's April’ was 'n daaglikse viering van musiek, wat plaasgevind het saam met 'n produkaanbod wat voortgespruit het uit die opwinding op die lug. Dit was 'n tema wat op die radio gehoor is en na die mark gebring is deur OFM se ‘Pop-Up Radio’-aanbod.

Meimaand se ‘Agri Fokus Week’, wat met een uit elke drie van die 26 000 boere wat in die OFM -voetspoor woon, gesels het, het 'n gefokusde en toegewyde platform vir almal gebied wat trots verteenwoordig word in die agri-waardeketting.

In Junie het OFM se Groot Vet Kombers Proe-jek gehore regoor die streek geïnspireer om R450 000 in te samel vir Round Table Southern Africa se ‘Winter Knights’-veldtog. OFM het twee keer per week regstreeks uitgesaai vanaf ‘n streek om luisteraars uit te daag om 'n wye verskeidenheid liefdadigheidsorganisasies te ondersteun deur 'n vetkoek vir ten minste R35 te koop. Die hoogste prys wat vir 'n vetkoek vir liefdadigheid betaal is, was R10 000. Dit, en die ontelbare bydraes van OFM se luisteraars, toon die sorgsame en werklike waardes in die posisionering van die handelsmerk ‘Living the Real Good Life’.

Die oomblik van waarheid het hom egter in Julie voorgedoen toe OFM hulle amptelike 35ste verjaarsdag gevier het deur 'n handelsmerkbou-oefening genaamd ‘OFM Secret Song’. Dit was 'n maandlange veldtog
wat musiek gevier het, die publiek se nuuskierigheid geprikkel het, en ‘n gemeenskap met 'n groot prys van R35 000 opgehef het.

Hierdie strategiese oefeninge en oorwoë raakpunte word gebruik om die OFM-gehoor op te bou en werklike en innemende oplossings vir belanghebbendes te bied; dit, op 'n tyd wanneer hulle ondersteuning die meeste nodig het.

In hierdie gedeelde gees van Sentraal-Suid-Afrika, veg OFM daarvoor dat hulle gehoor ‘n baie goeie lewe kan lei, wat bestaan uit baie en gereelde kleiner oomblikke van pure pret, werklike verbintenisse, en oomblikke van ware betekenis.

OFM bestaan om die begeerte van Sentraal Suid-Afrikaners om hul beste lewens in elke oomblik, waar hulle ook al is, te versterk. Die handelsmerk is eg, opbouend, trots en gee om vir almal wat na OFM luister en daarin belê. Dit is hoe OFM die afgelope 35 jaar die vertroue opgebou het om die Klank van Sentraal-Suid-Afrika te word.

Tim Thabethe
OFM Programbestuurder


Vir meer besonderhede, tree in verbinding met Lindiwe Mtwentula by 051 5050 900, 082 416 1665, of lindiwe@ofm.co.za.

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